Thursday, September 3, 2015

Creating a Menu in Maximo

Creating or Modifying a Menu in Maximo

  • The options other than Select Value, that appear when the lookup icon is selected next to a field come from the menu associated to that field.
  • In Application Designer, the properties for a textbox include an option called Menu Type. These Menu Type values are referencing a menu id in the MENUS.xml file.
  • In App Designer in the Select Action menu there is an option to Export System XML.
  • From this option you can select MENUS.xml, save the file to your desktop, and make a copy for a backup.
  • Open the MENUS.xml file to be changed with a text editor. Each menu in Maximo exists as a section in the MENUS.xml file and is referenced by a menu id.
  • If you wanted to modify a menu you could select the application the field that launches this menu resides in, find the field and select the Control Properties tool bar icon.
  • Find the Menu Type value in the properties for that textbox. Make note of this value. Open the MENUS.xml file with a text editor. 
  • Find the menu id from the previous step to find that menu section in the MENUS.XML file. 
  • Copy the menu section, and paste the copied section back into the MENUS.xml file. 
  • Give the copied section a unique menu id. 
  • Delete or Remove the options from the menu to modify the menu to your liking. 
  • Save the MENUS.xml and re import the xml file using the Import XML option in App Designer. 
  • To reference the new menu id you will need to change the Menu Type reference for the field you are associating and launching the menu from to the menu id created for the new menu.